Marj Boyer Singer Spotlight
Marj, foreground, pictured speaking at our 2016 Make Them Hear You fall concert. Photo by Daniel H.
Name: Marj Boyer
Section: A2
Generation: The Silent Generation (1925-1945)
CWC Tenure: Since fall 2016 -- 8 years
What inspired you to join the Common Woman Chorus?
The feminist/social justice aspect of the music. A desire to sing in a chorus that did meaningful, inspiring music.
In what ways has being part of the Common Woman Chorus influenced your personal identity and sense of belonging within the LGBTQIA+ community?
I feel like an honorary lesbian, feeling I belong to the community though I barely qualify as Q
Can you share a favorite memory from your time in the chorus that had a significant impact on you?
When I first joined the chorus, fall of '16, and got an instant sense of belonging. Marty & Debie and Beth Hoke & Carol especially made me feel welcome. And then that concert, right after the shocking 2016 election, when we sang the right songs.
What advice would you give to the next generation of LGBTQIA+ singers interested in joining our chorus?
Take it seriously so we can keep changing the world!
Click HERE to watch Marj’s full Singer Spotlight interview!