Common Woman Chorus stands in solidarity with protesters in the Triangle and around the world calling for the end of systemic racism. Our singing has been silenced by the pandemic, but our hearts and voices rise in harmony with all who experience injustice. We believe #BlackLivesMatter and support the fight for justice and equality for black and brown people. We are committed to dismantling our own assumptions and biases and to making positive change in our community.

The Common Woman Chorus mission is to unite a choral community of richly diverse voices to nurture high quality musicianship and to be a beacon for justice, equality, and love through the healing power of music. Membership is open to all woman-identified, gender-nonconforming, and transgender individuals, with a goal of diversity in ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, interests and beliefs. We acknowledge that most of our members identify as white, and we are on a journey of equity and inclusion. As an LGBTQ and allies chorus with roots in feminism, we acknowledge the role that white women play & have played in oppression and upholding white supremacy. While we aim to use our voices for justice and healing, now is a time we can use our platform to amplify the voices of those who have been silenced, those who are bearing the burden of racial injustice. Right now our external work includes sharing posts on our page from some of the many incredible POC artists and activists who are transforming the world right now. Our internal work includes political education on power, privilege and oppression.